Jumat, 01 November 2013

Treaty of mutual coopration and security between the united ststes of america and japan , wasington dc 19 januari 1960

 The united states of america and japan pesiring to streng then the  bond of peace and friend. Ship tradititionallly existing between them and to uphpld the principles of democracy. Individual liberty and the rule of law.

Desiring further of encourage closes economic coperastion between them and to  promote conditions of economic stability an well being in their countries.
Reaffirming their faith in the purposer and principles of the charter of the united nation And their desive to live in power wih all people and all goverments.
Reorganizing that they have the intherent right of individual or collective self-defence as affirmed in the charter of united nations.

Considering that they have a common concern in the maintenance of international peace and security in the far east. Having resolved to conclude a treaty of mutual cooperation and security there foce agree as follows.

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